Kaikaku and People


Yes, Kaizen has its value. Small incremental improvements.

However, the current day business scenario needs large breakthrough Innovations. This is KAIKAKU. Lean implementers need to move from basic Kaizens at the workplace and start embarking on Large Innovations which can bring leverage into increased profitability for growth and business sustainability.

Kaizen or Kaikaku is never possible without an engaged People. That is Lean People Engagement

As we start 2023 its time for organizations to re-think and re-strategize their Lean initiative to seriously start focussing on KAIKAKU and LEAN PEOPLE ENGAGEMENT

These concepts are applicable for both Manufacturing Companies and to the services Industry (E.g., Banks, Hospitals, Construction, IT organizations and more)

Here are a few pointers on how you may re-strategize Lean or even start Lean in 2023

  1. Assess People Engagement
  2. Assess Lean Maturity and current value stream
  3. Assess People’s Lean Competency
  4. Create a compelling Strategy for growth and increased profits
  5. Learn Kaikaku Methods and start transformative projects
  6. Grow the people and engage them
Kaikaku and People

Wishing you the Best in your Lean Journey in 2023

J Ramesh Victor

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