One of the most common tools that are used when an organization does Strategic Planning is a SWOT analysis. This is basically an analysis that tries to identify what Strengths and Weaknesses the organization has together with the Opportunities and Threats that may arise from the outside. While being a popular tool it has its own shortcomings. Here are three of them:
- Half the Focus is on the negative- Two out of four of its factors are Negative in nature (Weaknesses & Threats). It depletes energy looking at the weaknesses and threats.
- Reactive in nature- Usually very suitable to evaluate events or performance AFTER what has happened. It attempts to build the future based on what has happened.
- Deficit-Based Inquiry- Being a reactive tool it aims to correct weaknesses and improve existing opportunities. Therefore, its attention is on gaps.
While SWOT still has its value a better approach to planning the future may be a tool called SOAR analysis based on the Appreciative Inquiry model. SOAR stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations & Results. SOAR rephrases the two negative elements from SWOT and merges them with OPPORTUNITIES. It harnesses two other essential components of an effective Strategy which are ASPIRATIONS & RESULTS.
Its 3 biggest advantages are:
- Focussing on the Positive- Gives the team energy and zeal as they learn to appreciate the positive. It also helps them to focus on existing strengths and capabilities to build on rather than focusing too much on closing gaps. Gaps and Threats are worded as OPPORTUNITIES and are attempted to be addressed with the existing positive strengths and resources the organization has.
- Aspirations-The inclusion of the ASPIRATION into the analysis gives the organization the necessary process of Dreaming or Desiring the Best for the organization. It is more of a tool for building Strategic Futures than an analytical tool of the past.
- Results- An entire part is given to consider what results will be anticipated and worked on for the future. Strengths and Opportunities are tied to results that must be achieved to attain the organization’s Aspirations.
Lately, the various organizations I have been working with using SOAR analysis for their Hoshin Kanri exercise have seen faster and bigger results compared to previous years when they only relied on SWOT analysis. Do you want to Soar high in your business? Try SOAR. You can also do a personal SOAR analysis for yourself and aim to Soar high in the sky with growth. The organization’s team or yourself will be filled with positive energy while you work towards achieving goals
JR Victor